During the week of December 14th-18th of 2020, a series of webinars were organised within the project to show the different disciplines that the project address. Every discipline must be aligned and work in collaborations between each other to, at the end, demonstrate the possibility to produce added value products as butanol or ethanol, to be used for the transport sector. The webinars attracted the audience of universities, research institutions, industry and stakeholders.

If you want a see it again, in the following lines it is shown the link where it is recast every webinar:
- An introduction to the modelling of atomic quantum clusters:by QingQing Wu, Research Associate at Lancaster University:
- Subnanometric clusters: exciting materials at the transition from nanoparticles to atoms by Prof Arturo López Quintela, Full Professor of Physical Chemistry at USC-Spain
- Testing of photocatalytic systems to produce H2; by Anh Dung Nguyen, Research assistant at TUB.
- Metabolic engineering of acetogens for fuel production: by Eric Vossen, PhD candidate at Wageningen University
- Electro-biocatalytic approaches for CO2 Capture & Utilization: by Dr Deepak Pant,Senior Scientist at VITO
- MI-DICE -BACTOFUEL: how to boost technology to the market: Feasibility study and Tech-to-market plan; by Kamil Szydlowski (INNOENERGY) and Ignacio Herráez at NANOGAP