Oral Presentations:
- Pant, D. (2021). Bioelectrochemical systems for resource recovery: From lab to field applications. International Conference on Biotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture, Environment and Health (BASEH-2021). Jaipur, India. April 4-8, 2021. [Plenary Talk]
- Pant, D. (2021). Development and upscaling of gas diffusion electrodes for wastewater treatment and electrosynthesis of chemicals. 12th European Symposium on Electrochemical Engineering (ESEE 2021). Leeuwarden, Netherlands. June 14-17, 2021. [Contributed Talk]
- Pant, D. (2021). Bioelectrochemical systems for resource recovery: From lab to field applications. 25th ACS Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference. Virtual Conference. June 15-18, 2021. [Invited Talk]
- Herráez, I. (2021). SET4BIO Innovation Challenge. Kick-off. April 15th 2021
- Herráez, I. (2021). IBO.5 – Advances in Low Carbon Fuels. EUBCE 2021. April 27th 2021
- Herráez, I. (2021). SET4BIO Innovation Challenge. Value Chain Potential. May 20th 2021
- Herráez, I. (2021). SET4BIO Innovation Challenge. Innovation Height. June 30th 2021
- Birdja, Y., Bulut, M., Vaes, J. and Pant. D. (2019). Development and upscaling of gas diffusion electrodes for wastewater treatment and electrosynthesis of chemicals. Symposium on Insights into Gas Diffusion Electrodes: From Fundamentals to Industrial Applications. Magdeburg, Germany, September 23 – 25, 2019. https://www.mpimagdeburg.mpg.de/gde-symposium-2019
- Herráez, I. (2020). BACTOFUEL project within the presentations of companies /projects. Green innovation Forum organised by the spanish association of biotech companies. 24,25,26th November 2020. Minute 53:30 onwards. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTf4rRNRBVw
- Pant, D. (2019). Oral presentation about the Bac-To-Fuel project . 7th Global conference of the International Society of Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology (ISMET7) in Okinawa, Japan, October 7-11, 2019. – https://www.linkedin.com/posts/deepak-pant-942b44b_microbialelectrosynthesis-bactofuel-bioreco2ver-activity6589420948519219200-Vo8W
- Pant, D. (2020). Technological perspectives for CCU. Invited oral talk at the CCU symposium organized by CAPTURE (online) on 11 September 2020. https://www.capture-resources.be/registration-seminar-ccu-industrialsymbiosis
- Peleteiro, J. (2019). Bacterial conversion of CO2 and renewable H2 into biofuels. Paving the way towards clean energy and fuels in Europe. Talks with research, industry and EU Member States on bioenergy, advanced biofuels and renewable fuels. EUBCE, 29th May 2019, Lisbon, Portugal. https://www.eubce.com/
Poster presentations:
- Pant, D. (2019) Technological advances in CO2 electrobiorefinery: linking bioelectrochemical CO2 reduction with renewable energy. 1st Annual Capture Conference, Ghent, Belgium, 22nd and 23rd October 2019 ; Ghent, Oct. 2019. CAPTURE Congress Conference (https://capture-resources.be/conference#capture-annual-conference).Download Poster